I talk with dozens of people each day who are thinking about starting their business, have started marketing their business or are running a business but want help seeing better results.

After all, this is the reason so many people arrive at Information Marketer’s Zone and begin to learn and ask questions to overcome the challenges they are having on their journey to becoming high-profit online entrepreneurs

They THINK The Problem Is…

In each case the questions usually start with…“How do I get attention” or “How do I get more traffic?” or even sometimes…“How do I get better conversions on the traffic or visitors that I am already getting?”

You get the idea…the *assumption* is almost always that the issue with poor results is Not Enough Traffic.

Why Entrepreneurs Are Frustrated

…But REALLY The Problem Is…

So the response I often get when I force my clients to take a GIANT step back and talk about the product or service, target market, unique value proposition, business goals, etc…is one of frustration (best case) to outright ANGRY (in a few cases I can recall in the past few years.)

The reason is that you can throw ALL of the time, energy and money you have in the world at a market…it won’t work if you don’t have a highly desired product or service aimed at a target market that you can reach.

In all fairness, just about every online marketing course, online guru or course begins with the ASSUMPTION that you have this all figured out…but the challenge is…

Here’s what happens MOST often…and why their businesses are (or will be once they implement their plans) ineffective…

“Less Than 10% Of My Coaching Clients Actually Do Have This Even REMOTELY Figured Out…And Less Than 1% Have It Fully Figured Out”

Here’s What’s Happening…

There are 3 main mistakes that are causing ENDLESS pain and suffering when it comes to online entrepreneurs reaching their sales and profit goals:

  1. Rely Entirely On Affiliate Products…these range from digital products on Clickbank, books on Amazon or E-commerce products sourced either via Amazon or other drop-ship sources. Can anyone GUESS what the challenge in 99% of the cases here is? There are two major challenges actually a) The entrepreneur is not 110% committed to the product/service or market they serve…this results in guaranteed failure or b) They lack control…when you rely 100% on someone else’s products or services you control nothing…not the profit margin, not the availability of the product, not the delivery or support of the product, not the optional licensing or bundling options AND THEY KNOW IT which further reduces commitment and confidence in their products. Selling other people’s products are an awesome second or third stream of income – but are a very risky and HARD way to build a foundation for your business by themselves
  2. Have NO Product At All, But They Market Anyway…it seems logical to all of us that you don’t actually make money until you sell something, but for many…when it comes to “playing around on the internet”, business logic fly’s out the window and so many of my clients begin “Marketing” without having a product or service to sell…EVEN WORSE, without an idea or intent to FIND that product that will begin to bring in profit to fund further growth of their business
  3. Started With Their Own ProductBut Got It Wrong…this category would only make up less than half of my coaching clients interestingly. But entrepreneurs who do fall into this category are really at wit’s end…because they have spent months or years creating, licensing or finding a product only to find out it doesn’t sell. The issues here are usually a) They have completely missed the mark on finding a market b) They have completely missed the mark on what their market wants c) They have missed the mark on how to create and format a SOLUTION that both fulfills the demand in the market AND maximizes profit so you can do MORE to add increased value to your market
Great Businesses Start With Great Products

It All Starts With A Product…

In this age of the internet, everyone who jumps onto Instagram, Facebook (Blogs and Google SEO before that) was an “Entrepreneur” that was going to leverage the power of e-commerce and online marketing to make a FORTUNE!

Yes, the internet, e-commerce and social marketing are POWERFUL, but business is still business…and that means you need a great product or service that is desired by a reachable target market that you believe and will work like hell to get to market.


Can you earn a few thousand dollars selling someone else’s stuff? Sure!

Can you earn tens of thousands selling a bad product over a few months? Yep!

If your goal is to build a 6-8 figure business, that is highly profitable, that scales and that you can eventually automate and/or exit – then your PRODUCT matters!

Take a GOOD look at any online marketing, social network or business GURU that has had more than 1-year of longevity — chances are they are selling a book, a course, a coaching program, a seminar, or some form of teaching, learning, instruction or digital product that…

  1. Earns Them The Majority of Their Income
  2. Brands Them Further As An Expert In Their Field
  3. Gives Them MASSIVE Credibility When It Comes To Building A Following
  4. Funds The Scale-Up Of Their Marketing, Branding And Further Product Development
  5. Funds Other Streams Of Income Such As Investing, Speaking, Software, Consulting, Etc…

How You Can Have Your Own Great Product

The good news is that creating your own GREAT product is within your reach…and in a reasonable time frame of weeks…


a) Where do you start?

b) How Do You Do It Without Getting It Wrong and Wasting Your Time?

c) Who Can Help You Get It Right The First Time, So You Can Learn, Do and Replicate Again and Again?

The Good News Is…

After years of creating, launching and profiting from hundreds of physical and digital products, we gave in to the demand from our followers for a program that combines step-by-step training and tutorials with tools and templates that work and private mentoring to help adapt to your business and plans ALL at a reasonable price (Without paying thousands for a course or 1:1 consulting) – that’s what you get with:

Information Marketer’s Zone…One-Stop Program & Mentorship For Producing, Launching and Marketing Your Top-Selling Digital Product Online

Any REAL entrepreneur (who has made serious money, has sold their company for 7-8 figures and who has been around to start multiple businesses) will tell you…You Gotta Have A Great Product.

With Information Marketer’s Zone we agree and have built the ultimate system and support model to help you get your market-leading program to market within weeks. Drop by and see.