Inside InfoMarketer’sZone non-writers learn to package information into high-demand, hot-selling ebooks, reports and information products that make them leveraged money online for months and years to come.

The challenge once you have your report or ebook is getting maximum exposure across your market.

Certainly, building a platform for yourself using blogs, social networking, virtual seminars (teleseminars, webinars) , press releases, keyword optimized content, videos, etc…are all terrific ways to draw your market toward your self-published ebook or info product, but there is another way.

To get your report or ebook listed across various tradiitonal retail websites including Barnes & Nobel, Sony, Kobel and other ebook directories you can submit to Smashwords and have them do all of the dirty work for you.

Here is a great blog post working through the steps you need to take to submit your self-published ebook to Smashwords so they can take care of getting it listed for you. 

(NOTE) The other two big directories Apple and Amazon’s Kindle will require separate setup at this time, though the belief is Smashwords will eventually support Amazon as well.

Basically it comes down to 3 major steps:

  • Signing up for your account at Smashwords
  • Making sure your MS doc is properly formatted as per Smashwords style directives (this is very important or you risk non-acceptance or an ebook that looks terrible on different ebook reading platforms)
  • Setting the price and having a cover graphic designed

That’s all there is to it, Smashwords will take care of formatting and distributing to the different directories – this will not cost you anything up-front, and only a small percentage on the sale of your report or ebook.

One final word – these tend to be low-priced ebooks, so our recommendation is that you take a subset of your info product and turn it into a 30-60 page ebook that you sell for .99-$9.99 for the added exposure and potential high volume sales while you keep your main info products up-market at higher margins to capture profit from your most committed and desperate buyers.