There’s no doubt that self-publishing is on the rise, but have you heard the term “micro publisher?” 

Many of us have been turning information and stories into money for more than a decade (yikes…that sounds like a LONG time!), we were known as information publishers or infoproduct entrepreneurs.  Now, it seems, the industry is coining the term micro publisher to label authors who are now directly taking their books, ebooks and other information products to market.

Our network of successful, profit earning writers and info product creators (now known as micro publishers I suppose) over at InfoMarketer’sZone are among the top in this high powered, high growth movement where insatiable demand for information is quickly met with high-value, high profit, direct-to-consumer ebooks, training programs and books – numbering now in the high hundreds of thousands.

Even more interesting is where these micro published books and ebook are being sold.

Yes, some are making their way into physical bookstores and competing for shelf space with traditionally published books, but most are taking advantage of a huge shift in book buying – from store to online.

As an author or owner of content, you can have your ebook, book, manual or other info product for sale right along side the biggest published works online at B&N, Amazon, Chapters Indigo or other major book retailers. 

In addition – we have several online digital info product directories targeting niche audiences such as Clickbank, Commission Junction and so on…holding tens of thousands of addtional titles.

Finally, we have hundreds of thousands of separate micro publishers hosting their own websites where they market and sell their books directly to consumers available for mail distribution and fulfillment or direct download from their servers.

All in all, we are approaching estimates of 1 Million titles that are being sold by self-publishers led strongly by highly focused micro publishers like you or I. 

In our own little world, we have 13 different ebooks, reports and books as well as coaching and membership sites now offered – and sure, I’m ok with being called “micro” so long as that doesn’t reflect the ever growing profits we get to keep – in fact…a more apt audience for “micro” may be the traditional authors who get to keep 5% or less of their profits when publishing traditionally – now that is what I call MICRO!