Traffic is the lifeblood of any web business.  Your business model may be selling your own infoproducts, list building, adsense or other advertising revenue, Amazon affiliate sites or pretty much anything else that turns traffic into money – it is ALL dependent on getting relevant traffic to your website.

Nothing is more frustrating than building a website, then posting new content day after day and watching as a handful of people visit your site and you get no (or very low) sales. 

You feel like screaming – where’s the traffic?

Where’s the profit?

How do I get people to my website? 

We’ve been in the exact same spot you are…and that’s why I think I can help you get over the hump by pointing out the two most common, deadly mistakes that most web entrepreneurs make when hoping to make big money online.


For any given web business and niche market there are tens of thousands of potential keyword phrases that **may** be related to your business.  Yet, there are a handful of keywords typically that bring in the hungriest buyers, we call those “intention to buy” keywords because these keywords are typically what someone ready to buy will search with right before they make their buying decision.   

1000 people searching for “Digital Camera” are most likely kicking the tires and won’t buy anything…whereas someone typing in Canon Rebel XS or Best Digital Camera is far more likely to be ready to buy something online. 

So many people get caught up in making sure their keyword has tons of searches that they forget all keywords are not created equal when it comes to INTENTION to buy online. 

The result is that people work like dogs trying to optimize for hundreds of keywords that are both tough to rank highly in the search engines for AND that don’t bring in cash anyway because they are not high on the “intention to buy” scale.

What happens?  Either you can’t rank for those keywords and that means you get a trickle of traffic OR you do rank for the keywords, but nobody buys – either way, you end up not making any money. 

Within InfoMarketer’sZone we show you how to discover the “intention to buy” markets, niches and keywords so that you can spend your valuable time focusing on the targets with the highest profit – highest return for your effort. 


There are definitely steps you MUST take to make sure your websites, content pages and action pages rank highly in the search engines for your chosen “intention to buy” keywords, and these factors will make a HUGE difference in how well your site ranks, how much traffic you get and the profit you make from your online business.


Remember that Google factors TIME into their ranking criteria. 


  • They rank domains that are older higher than domains that are new.
  • They rank content that is more established on sites that are more established higher than newer content
  • They frown on quick addition of backlinks that do not look natural, meaning that an important part of backlinking is getting quality backlinks in a slower, more natural way than loading your site with 100’s of low quality backlinks each day. 

What this REALLY means though is that you need to have faith.  Faith that the activity you do each day to generate content, get backlinks, become involved in social networking communities and so on are going to pay off weeks from now.

For most people, their limit is 1-2 weeks – when they see no improvement in 1-2 weeks, they lose faith, ease up on their plan and eventually trickle down to little or no activity.

Interesting enough – even in these cases, typically TIME will lead to more traffic and some sales, but you have lost momentum, have set yourself back by weeks and have probably lost interest enough that you won’t be in a mindset to pickup and get going again when the first wave of traffic and sales comes. 

They key to getting more traffic, making more money online from your sites is smiple:

  1. Have a solid plan that will see your content both rise to the top of the SERP’s AND be effective in attracting buyers from your niche market, and…
  2. Stick to your plan with faith that it will pay off – if not next week, then in 4-6 weeks

With our sites, we have seen our process result in traffic and sales in 2-3 weeks, and in other cases, it has taken 4-months…Google takes time, but as long as you are following the correct process, know your market and understand the “intention to buy” keywords, you will break through.