Yes it is possible to produce your own ebook, non-fiction info product in 30-days or less…a great place to start is this free Ebook Writing Workshop – but let’s make sure you avoid some of the more common mistakes, here are 5:

1. Don’t make the mistake that your ebook is about information, education, training or anything OTHER than delivering a result to your end prospect.  Readers buy non-fiction books and ebooks because they badly want to achieve an outcome in their life and they believe your ebook will give it to them – keep that fundamental principle in mind at all times

2. Spending too little time on the title.  I’ve worked with ebook writers who have spent months on writing their ebook, then decide on a title in 30-minutes and never give it another thought.  The reality is that your title is what everyone sees first and most online – in fact the title is perhaps the most important marketing function you can use to directly impact sales on the internet, so treat it accordingly, try multiple versions and test, test, test

3. Forget being a perfectionist, focus on a set of steps, tips,  or system for helping your reader get what you are promising and then release the ebook.  Following the instructions over at InfoMarketer’sZone, you can build a follow up campaign so that your customers will help you improve your ebook and propose new products that you can use to build profits, sales and loyalty over time. 

4. Set aside common doubts like “I don’t know enough to write an ebook” or “I don’t have the time to get my ebook written” — these are just cop-outs and will do nothing to help you achieve your goals.  Believe me, I have seen enough non-writers and non-experts who have busy lives turn out top selling ebooks they sell online to know it is very possible

5. Don’t ask for advice from anyone else other than your target market.  Your ebook should target a highly emotional desire within your target audience, it is this passionate emotion that leads to the decision to buy your ebook.  It stands to reason that friends, family or other acquaintances who DO NOT share that passion will not be as jazzed about your ebook…but it doesn’t really matter does it — they are not your target customer after all.  You can test your ebook on your market by putting it up for sale and selling a few dozen copies to help guage interest and response to your ebook

If your desire is to write your own ebook, course or info product then don’t let obstacles get in your way.  If you have doubts, leave them as a comment here and we will help you overcome those doubts.