One of the biggest concerns I hear from new users of  The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package is that people don’t know what topic to write about because they believe they must be an expert to write an ebook.

So is it true?  Do you need to be an expert to write your own ebook?

The answer is – NO!

Why not?

I know more than 100 different ebook publishers and have 12 different ebooks of my own on the market that all sell extremely well, so when I talk about expertise and ebook writing I am talking based on experience.


Of the 100 or so people I know and have coached to produce and market their own top selling ebooks and information products, very few (less than 10%) were what I would have called “experts”.

In fact, I have worked with experts, or at least highly knowledgeable people in certain fields and the ironic thing is…they mostly don’t succeed at information marketing.

While I’m still somewhat mystified by this myself, what I have figured out is that there are at least two factors that keep so-called experts from doing well with their own ebooks:

  1. They are TOO close to their topic and have lost touch with the average beginner to teach what their reader really wants to know.  More often than not they completely miss the mark and produce products that don’t sell
  2. They are too much of a perfectionist and don’t ever complete their first product.  Believe me, I have had “experts” pay me thousands and thousands of dollars to help them produce their own products and months or years later, they are still working on them – afraid of releasing them

All of that to say that I have found non-experts actually have a better chance of succeeding with infoproducts that do experts.


1. Bring other expert and authority advice to the market via your collection and organization of data – lots of “experts” are terrible teachers, so helping them bring their message to the market is a key “man-in-the-middle” role for information product publishers – lots of successful ebooks have been based on this method. Think interviews, think collecting stories (like Chicken Soup Series), think a “Beginner’s Guide”, etc…

2. You have found a market that holds great potential and you DO want to work toward becoming an expert. That means you will be researching, learning, trying out things and reporting back your knowledge. Again, many successful information publishers have taken this approach where they learn and share as they build their business.

One of the best pieces of advice I can give to new ebook writers who want to product non-fiction, how-to information-based ebooks is to package “applied” knowledge into your ebook or infoproduct.

Think of your ebook first outlining a system or set of steps to achieve a certain outcome Y, and the remainder of your ebook sharing experiences, pitfalls and successes on your road to using the exact system you teach.

Not only will you have one of the top selling ebooks, you will have setup your information publishing business in such a way as to expand into additional coaching, high-end courses, training, consulting and other business opportunities – all from your decision to write an ebook.

Ready to go – head over and get your copy of the Information Entrepreneur’s Success Package where you will find the exact blueprint, tips and techniques used by the most successful information marketers on the internet today.