Imagine learning how to help manage stress in your life and then passing on that advice to a friend or family member.

Or maybe you have figured out how do something really cool with your new digital camera, so you share that with a fellow digital camera enthusiast.

It could have also been a client or customer of yours that you helped through a financial, legal, or personal problem…that happens often doesn’t it? 

When it comes to non-fiction writing, authors and experts know that there is some nice income associated with writing this sort of information down…often known as freelance or project writing.

BUT…what if you simply wrote the answer down to some of these pressing challenges and then sold them as an ebook, book or information product yourself? 

Now you have REALLY changed the tables…for a day or two worth of work, you now have the potential to make sales to hundreds, thousands and even hundreds of thousands of others who have the same question. 

That’s where the e-book and book self-publishing business becomes REALLY interesting…and that’s where writing gets amazingly fun!

Check out Information Marketing Zone – watch those making FUN happen right now…oh and let me ask…isn’t this something that YOU could be doing?