So you have a few ebook ideas in the back of your mind…you’ve done some basic keyword research and discovered that although there is interest in the market you are entering, there isn’t clear-cut evidence of people searching under the keywords you have in mind for your new ebook topic. 

Will it sell?  What should your next step be to test the market before developing your ebook idea?

I typically like to see some sign of buying activity around your chosen topic…for many that scares them because it means competition but for me it means less risk that the topic isn’t HOT enough emotionally to have people spend their money.

But..the opposite is the real problem – when you become so scared of competition that you convince yourself there is a topic with no (or little) existing competition and surely your customers will buy the information you package against that topic, but WAIT!

Many of the members we now have over at InfoMarketer’sZone thought that way too…but then quickly changed their minds after taking the courses and reviewing the processes we have outlined in this InfoProduct Entrepreneur’s Private Site. 

For example…

Ask yourself this…"Is the problem you are targeting a problem you THINK or feel people will buy a solution to or is it a problem where you see EVIDENCE of money being spent?"

Money being spent could be…

1. Other products being sold on Amazon

2. Magazine articles that target your specific topic

3. eBooks or online digital infoproducts

4. Seminars, workshops, and higher-end products and services

5. Affiliate programs on Clickbank, commissions junction, linkshare, etc…

In addition to using these research techniques (we outlined exactly how over at InfoMarketer’sZone) – you should also begin by setting up a "mini-content site" where you can quickly begin to attract traffic and build a smallish list of a few hundred prospects to which you can survey and get some additional, direct input into your ebook idea and infoproduct business plans. 

If you follow the research techniques above AND begin by building a core prospect list you WILL get the answers as to what topics hold the most potential within your niche removing risk and significantly reducing the time to profit for your new online business.