Here’s How To STOP Giving Up On Your Goals

Here’s How To STOP Giving Up On Your Goals

Here’s how I learned to STOP giving up on my goals These tips made reaching ALL of my goals easier! That doesn’t mean it didn’t take effort, sacrifice or pain along the way…but with these tips I was able to overcome the overwhelming desire to...
A New Perspective, A New Life

A New Perspective, A New Life

When you feel stuck, bored, unhappy, unlucky or just hopeless about where to go next in your life…you KNOW you are not in a good emotional state. Your emotional state directs how you see things, people, obstacles and opportunities. Your emotional state directly...

When You Don’t Feel Like It – Do The Most!

The measure of a successful business or entrepreneur is not what you are able to accomplish on the days when you are rolling, but rather how you can stretch out your effort and results on the days when you don’t feel your best. First, let me be clear – I...

Defeat Procrastination – Be Inspired!

I’ve just completed a very personal video on how we have overcome challenges in our life over the last 15-years (and have helped many others with this same system published as part of Attracting Greatness).  This particular video outlines a powerful 3-step...

Living Life On Purpose

We all get reminders from time to time of how precious, short and valuable our life here on earth is. For me, this Holiday season has been one of those reminders – a close cousin passing away, another close aunt continues to battle adversity and a friend who was...

Free Personal Goal Setting Video

Will you be a victim in 2009 or will you thrive? This is a very important question as the economy worsens, the news is ever more bleak – if you don’t consciously counter with smart goal setting that erases this anxiety, uncertainty and negative...