Will you be a victim in 2009 or will you thrive?

This is a very important question as the economy worsens, the news is ever more bleak – if you don’t consciously counter with smart goal setting that erases this anxiety, uncertainty and negative information, you will surely become a victim in 2009.

One of the areas you’ll likely be focused on in the coming months is business goal setting…what goals should you set for your own business whether you are just getting started or are looking at taking it to the next level.

Will your business goal be to bring in your first $1,000? 

Or, are you looking to bring your existing business to a six-figure profit or even seven-figure through goal setting that involves breaking into new markets or leveraging the power of automation in your business?

As bad as the economy is as we enter 2009, what are the predictions for online shopping?

Internet shopping is predicted to hit $145.1 Billion dollars in the coming year, a huge 14% increase — despite the recession!

Doesn’t it make sense that building your own profitable internet business is one way to thrive and not just survive in the coming year when so many will lose their jobs, take more hits in the stock market and continue to struggle under a mountain of debt.

There’s no reason you need to be a victim in 2009 – instead you can turn the tide, tap into a flood of wealth that is heading online and turn a bleak situation into a winning proposition for you and your family. 

Make no mistake, there will be opportunities to build and grow wealth in 2009 – if that sounds appealing to you, then watch internet Millionaire Derek Gehl’s new personal goal setting video, learn about his smart goal sytsem – it’s free, watch it right here:

FREE Goal Setting Video

By the way, I’ve discovered that regular personal goal setting can make a massive difference in my life over the last 10-years, and still I learned some exciting ways to improve my goal setting activities heading into 2009.  I’m sure you’ll learn some new things too…